Monday, August 22, 2011

Allergy season is coming up!

So its that time of the year again... The kids are back at school, the days are just starting to get shorter, and we get the heat waves right before things start to cool off and transition into Autumn leaves, and the dreaded allergy season.  Its also the perfect time to stop by Persimmon Community Acupuncture and get a treatment.

Allergies, in general, is viewed by Chinese medicine as an "invasion" of external pathogens that constantly bombard the body's defenses. In return, the body's defenses react, and we get the hay fever symptoms; the sniffling and runny noses, the sinus congestion, the red, itchy, watery eyes. What we do in Chinese medicine is to boost the body's function/metabolism/qi, and by doing so, improve the body's defenses, so we aren't as bothered by the seasonal allergies as we would be. Its about improving the immune system and managing the symptoms to the point that its something that we can live with.

And the time to help reinforce the body is now. In August and going into September, this is the best time to get a few tune ups so that you're ready to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and the warm evenings. We can improve the body's defense system now so that by the time the seasonal allergens hit in the near future, there wont be such a big reaction from the body. Instead of having to rely on medication, and spending a chunk of money on Over The Counter pills, having to pop pills once, twice, or three times a day, getting acupuncture treatment now could almost eliminate the symptoms to a mere annoyance.

So come on in, and get treated! Mention that you have allergies to either Yonie or myself, and we'll help build up your defenses!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011